Kelly has collaborated with researchers at more than 50 institutions on a range of publications focused on science, policy, and access to reproductive healthcare.
Wagner B & Cleland K. Retail demand for emergency contraception in United States following New Year holiday: time series study. British Medical Journal. 2023.
Wagner B, Brogan N, Cleland K. "A lot of my friends don't know how it works": Student activists describe gaps in college students' emergency contraception knowledge. Women's Health Issues. 2023.
Ramanadhan S, Goldstuck N, Henderson JT, Che Y, Cleland K, Dodge L, Edelman A. Progestin-containing versus copper intrauterine devices for emergency contraception. Cochrane Systematic Review. 2023.
Salcedo J, Cleland K Bartz D, Thompson I. Society of Family Planning Clinical Recommendations: Emergency contraception. Contraception. 2023.
Cleland K, Kumar B, Kakkad N, Shabazz J, Brogan NR, Gandal-Powers MK, Elliott R, Stone R, Turok DK. Now is the time to safeguard access to emergency contraception as abortion restrictions sweep the United States. Contraception. 2022.
Korn E, Nguyen B, Heyrana K, Cleland K. Surveying the persistence of age and gender-based restrictions on over-the-counter emergency contraception across pharmacies in Los Angeles County, California, USA. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 2022.
Hunt M, Jozkowski K, Cleland K, Crawford B, Lo WJ, Warren R, Vinti H. Examining the Effect of a Randomized Media Intervention on Knowledge and Support of Abortion Restrictions: A Case Study in the South. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 2021.
Cleland K, Foster AM, Gomez AM, Raymond EG, Westhoff CL. Contraception Special Issue on the mifepristone Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS). (Editorial) Contraception. 2021;104:1-3.
Cleland K, Marcantonio T, Hunt M, Jozkowski K. “It prevents a fertilized egg from attaching…and causes a miscarriage of the baby”: A qualitative assessment of how people understand the mechanism of action of emergency contraceptive pills. Contraception. 2021:103:408-413.
Cleland K, Che Y, Dodge L, Edelman A, Goldstuck N, Ramanadhan S. Progestin-containing versus copper intrauterine devices for emergency contraception. Cochrane Systematic Review (protocol). 2020.
Wagner BG, Cleland K, Batur P, Wu J, Rothberg MB. Emergency contraception: Links between providers' counseling choices, prescribing behaviors, and sociopolitical context. Social Science and Medicine. 2019;242:1-9.
Cleland K, Wagner B, Smith NK, Trussell J. "My BMI is too high for Plan B." A changing population of women seeking ulipristal acetate emergency contraception online. Women & Health. 2019;8:1-8.
Ditmars L, Rafie S, Kashou G, Cleland K, Bayer L, Wilkinson T. Emergency contraception counseling in California community pharmacies: a mystery caller study. Pharmacy. 2019;7(3):1-6.
Haeger K, Lamme J, Cleland K. State of emergency contraception in the U.S., 2018. Contraception and Reproductive Medicine. 2018;3:20.
Cleland K, Wagner B, Batur P, McNamara M, Wu J, Rothberg MB. The politics of place: presidential voting patterns and providers' prescription of emergency contraception. Contraception. 2018;98:237-42.
Raymond EG, Blanchard K, Blumenthal PD, Cleland K, Foster AM, Gold M, Grossman D, Pendergast MK, Westhoff CL, Winikoff B. Sixteen years of overregulation: time to unburden Mifeprex. New England Journal of Medicine. 2017; 376(8):790-794.
Smith NK, Cleland K, Wagner B, Trussell J. “I don’t know what I would have done”: Women’s experiences acquiring ulipristal acetate emergency contraception online from 2011 to 2015. Contraception. 2017;95(4):414-418.
Cleland K, Bass J, Doci F, Foster AM. Access to emergency contraception in the over-the-counter era. Women’s Health Issues. 2016; 26(6):622-27.
Batur P, Cleland K, McNamara M et al. Emergency contraception: A multispecialty survey of clinician knowledge and practices. Contraception. 2016;26(6):622-27.
Nucatola D, Cleland K, Gatter M. Safety and efficacy of medical abortion in a pediatric population. Contraception. 2015;92(4):369.
Cleland K, Smith NK. Aligning mifepristone regulation with evidence: Driving policy change using 15 years of excellent safety data. Contraception. 2015;92(3):179-81.
Raymond E, Cleland K. Clinical Practice: Emergency contraception. New England Journal of Medicine. 2015;372:1342-8.
Gatter M, Cleland K, Nucatola D. Efficacy and safety of medical abortion using mifepristone and buccal misoprostol through 63 days. Contraception. 2015;91(4):269-73.
Trussell J, Raymond E, Cleland K. Emergency contraception: a last chance to prevent pregnancy. Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice. 2014;6(2):7-38.
Cleland K, Raymond E, Westley E, Trussell J. Emergency contraception review: Evidence-based guidelines for clinicians. Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2014;57:741-50.
Cleland K, Wood SF. A tale of two label changes. Contraception. 2014;90:1-3.
Cleland K, Creinin MD, Nucatola D, Nshom M, Trussell J. Significant adverse events and outcomes after medical abortion. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2013;121:166-171.
Cleland K, Zhu H, Goldstuck N, Cheng L, Trussell J. The efficacy of intrauterine devices for emergency contraception: a systematic review of 35 years of experience. Human Reproduction. 2012;27:1994-2000.
Cleland K, Peipert J, Westhoff C, Spear S, Trussell J. Plan B, One Step not taken: politics trumps science yet again. Contraception. 2012;85:340-341.
Cleland K, Peipert J, Westhoff C, Spear S, Trussell J. Family planning as a cost-saving preventive health service. New England Journal of Medicine. 2011;364:e37.
Cleland K, Raymond E, Trussell J, Cheng L, Zhu H. Ectopic pregnancy and emergency contraceptive pills: a systematic review. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2010;115:1263-1266.
Killick S, Trussell J, Cleland K, Moreau C. Factors associated with subfecundity among women attending antenatal clinics in Hull. Human Fertility. 2009;12:191-197.
Fjerstad M, Sivin I, Lichtenberg ES, Trussell J, Cleland K, Cullins V. Unexpected heaping in reported gestational age for women undergoing medical abortion. Contraception. 2009;80:287-291.
Fjerstad M, Sivin I, Lichtenberg ES, Trussell J, Cleland K, Cullins V. Effectiveness of medical abortion with mifepristone and buccal misoprostol through 59 gestational days. Contraception. 2009;80:282-286.
Trussell J, Guthrie K, Cleland K. Monitoring teenage pregnancy in Hull: bespoke local data trump ONS statistics. Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care. 2008; 34:75-77(3).
Moreau C, Cleland K, Trussell J. Contraceptive discontinuation attributed to method dissatisfaction in the United States. Contraception. 2007;76(4):267-272.
Trussell J and Cleland K. Levonorgestrel for emergency contraception. Expert Review of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2007;2:565-576.
Wu J, Gipson T, Chin N, Wynn L, Cleland K, Morrison C, Trussell J. Women seeking emergency contraceptive pills by using the Internet. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2007;110:44-52.