Kelly is a trusted expert on reproductive health and rights issues, including medication abortion and emergency contraception. Read her recent publications and interviews about the complex interplay of science, policy, and public perception, and how these forces impact access to reproductive healthcare.
Does body weight change how effective EC is? February 2020
How to help people get the EC pills they need November 2019
Starting birth control after using ‘ella’ for EC January 2017
How well does emergency contraception work? March 2016
Student Campaign to Increase Emergency Contraception Access: "EC Vending Machines Everywhere." July 2021
"Plan B" Highlights the Struggle to Find Emergency Contraception--But Options Are Growing. July 2021
Here's How Emergency Contraception Actually Works April 2019
7 Myths About Emergency Contraception You Should Stop Believing April 2019
Supreme Court’s Non-Ruling Leaves Contraception Access for Religious Nonprofit Employees Uncertain May 2016
Don't buy the GOP's birth control bullsh*t: Why Cory Gardner's over-the-counter contraception bill is a giant fraud May 2015